Transform Your Chronic Condition

Imagine a life where your career is flourishing, your health is in check and you’re surrounded by a community of women who just “get it.”

Doors close for the final cohort of the year October 7th!


Yes, it’s really possible.

We see you. You’re an ambitious businesswoman. You’re also living with a chronic condition…whether that be autoimmune, mental health, rare, cancer, ADHD etc…and it is getting in the way of chasing after your big dreams.

You want to keep climbing, to keep shattering those glass ceilings. But you want to do it without pushing your health over the edge.

While well intentioned, you’re frustrated by peers and colleagues who simply don’t get the unique set of challenges you face as a woman living with a chronic condition from your doctor’s office to your bosses’ office.

You are craving a community of like-minded women who just get it.

Well friend, you’ve finally found what you’re looking for.

Hurry! Doors close October 7th.


The Chronic Boss Collective is a professional membership for ambitious business women designed to help YOU dream big in your career while simultaneously prioritizing your health.


"I can tell in just a month that I made the right decision to join. The connections I’ve made and leads already generated through the community will help me grow my design business and allow me to work with my people — authentic and adaptable chronically ill women who are changing healthcare.”

— Sarah Stern

Hi! I’m Lilly.

13 years ago, I was in a hospital bed. At the age of 19 I was diagnosed with three autoimmune conditions. My world was turned upside down. I was told over and over by doctors, college professors, and acquaintances, that “I should not”, “I could not”, and “I would not”.

I fought like hell to prove them wrong.

Today, I am a successful entrepreneur that has scaled one multi six figure business and launched another. I am an internationally recognized advocate and have been featured in Forbes, FastCompany and more.

I started the Collective because, ladies, I am in good company. There are millions of women just like me and you who have fought equally hard to rise above the nos.
They’ve built businesses from the ground up, they are physicians running their own clinics; they are partners at law firms, they are superstar teachers, they are women changing our world. And they have had to fight infinitely harder to claim their place.

They have demonstrated grit and perseverance — and that makes them powerful. These powerful women, they are the members of our Collective. And now it’s your turn to claim your place.

It’s time to join us and transform your chronic condition into your business superpower.

Chronic Boss Collective Membership Includes:

Private Supercharged Network

Our custom online platform is optimized to help you make powerful connections. As you get to know fellow members, you’ll earn yourself a fan club—a group of women who will speak your name in a room of opportunities. Our members are givers who truly value community over competition. These are women who will send you an article about your condition, invite you to an event, tag you on social media, or toss business your way.

The platform also includes a private member directory, resource library, and buzzing chat rooms for you to network away with fellow ambitious members.

Chronic Boss Mastermind

Virtual mastermind with the entire membership! This jam-packed event includes:

  • Kickoff: Led by our Founder designed to amp you up and set intentions to get after your health and career goals this month.
  • Networking: Expand your reach and visibility and deepen your connections with the Chronic Boss Collective membership
  • Mastermind: Opportunity to submit a challenge you're facing ahead of the meeting and then break into small groups to harness the power of the collective and mastermind it.
  • "Boss Round": Lightning round of your top "ask" to get support where you need it most!

Chronic Boss Cohorts

Get to know 10 other Chronic Bosses on a deeper level, personally and professionally. Cohorts offer: accountability during and outside meeting time, a structured way for members to engage in the community, targeted learnings in addition to the regular CBC events

Boss Boosts: Professional Development

Quarterly Boss Boost webinars lead by members and industry leaders presenting in their “Zone of Genius” designed to help you level up in your career. Think building your brand, negotiating your salary, starting a biz while living with a chronic condition…and so much more.

Boss Breaks: Wellness

Our community is rooted in the belief that Chronic Bosses embrace a balance of ambition and self-care. Wellness events are centered on taking care of you. From stress resilience workshops to DIY face masks.

Member Spotlight

Get featured on our social media and have the exclusive opportunity to contribute to the Chronic Boss Hub.


Proven methods, tools, and guides to help you level up in your career while maintaining your health.

"This community is amazing. Thank you for launching this. I feel like this is the sisterhood that I didn't know I needed whether for my health, business, or career and I'm just so thankful for it especially at this time in my life."

— Erika Page

The Chronic Boss Collective has completely flipped the script on networking

Our connections don't start at the surface…they begin at a point of vulnerability. This mutual vulnerability builds trust and trust is the foundation for enduring, meaningful relationships.

We've cut through the BS and gone straight to the heart of the matter. And that is our secret sauce. The connections you will make as a member of CBC are truly unique and powerful.

Here is a small snapshot of the connections and partnerships occurring daily in the CBC:

  • Meredith launched her business after working with several members, including a graphic designer, lawyer, and consultant.
  • Benita and Kaite partnered on a successful blog post about navigating the world of workplace accommodations in honor of Disability Pride Month.
  • Canadian-based Lisa collaborated on a Women's Health event with Northeast-based Kim.
  • Ally, our personal stylist member, helped Mackenzie hone her style, giving her renewed confidence at a big work event.
  • Lauren has hosted several members as guests on her LinkedIn Live series.

"The Chronic Boss Collective has changed my life in more ways than one. Since becoming a founding member and acknowledging my worth, my life has changed in ways I never could have imagined. The connections, opportunities, and immediate camaraderie amongst intelligent, inspirational, and courageous women has been my biggest blessing this year! The degree to which we draw strength from each other is something I have never witnessed in my life and I’m truly grateful to share my Chronic Boss journey with so many astonishing women"

— Lisa Zwicker